Loop of Evil
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Many Conservative Church Organizations are Funded by the Spirits of Antichrist... What are They Trying to Accomplish!

  • Learn the Truth Before It is Too Late!
John Todd

We have read in other articles that the Antichrist System has been doing whatever it could to compromise the Conservative Christian movements in the United States and around the world. We got our first warnings in the late 1970s when a John Todd, a former witch who became a Christian began to warn in his meetings that many of the larger Conservative Christian movements were receiving money from witchcraft sources. Mr. Todd claimed that Calvary Chapel received a large sum of money to start Christian "rock" music. He further claimed that Jerry Falwell received a substantial sum, initially it was to fund the television ministry of The Old Time Gospel Hour which bore no relationship to historical meetings. However, Rev. Falwell would expand his outreach later delving into politics via the "Moral Majority" and starting Liberty University. Unfortunately, John Todd's claims could never be proven or disproven.

Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Later on, late-night talk show host Jeff Rense published reports that the Unification Church founded by Rev. Sun Myung Moon had used the money his followers had collected selling flowers and other trinkets on streetcorners to form a number of organizations including the Washington Times, a conservative alternative to the often liberal Washington Post now owned by Amazon founder Jeff Bezos. When Rev. Moon moved to the United States in 1965, he learned quickly how to obscure his activities using multiple and interlocked corporations. He founded News World Communications and then used it to buy United Press International (UPI) and multiple newspapers around the world. The revenues generated by this mass of organizations bought him influence with many Conservative Christian organizations. Many commentators have suggested that Rev. Moon was initially received seed-funding by the South Korean CIA, which was in turn funded by the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). In this way, the CIA could keep its role hidden in how it became the chief funding source and mechanism for many Conservative Christian ministries.

Before long, the Spirits of Antichrist, by controlling the funding received by the large Conservative Christian ministries, could control and manage their message and their activities. The "Loop of Evil" is rather simple in its construction. As many Conservative Christian ministries desired to have a larger role in the politics of the United States, Rev. Moon showed up at their doors offering cash contributions, which many of these ministries gratefully accepted. Rev. Moon in turn, received his money from the South Korean version of the CIA, which in turn, got its money from the Central Intelligence Agency.

One of the alleged major recipients of this money was Jerry Jenkins and Tim LaHaye, authors of the "Left Behind" series. Once again, what propelled Hal Lindsey to the top also worked for them. They would go on to write sixteen books, several "kids books," and produce three full-length movies. However, in the end, the authors found themselves embroiled in a lawsuit with their movie producer over the control of the content.

The articles on the Jeff Rense website are as follows:

As a note, many of these people who received this money are now dead. However, their ministries and the children who survived these people are still alive and performing their antichrist functions.

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